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Georgian home and gardens
Fir Hill, Droxford, Hampshire, UK
1765 – 1850
1765 – 1850
Fir Hill is built. It is not recorded who built it or who first lived there. However, records show that wine merchant and Winchester dignitary, Nicholas Purdue-Smith, was buying up land in Droxford and certainly owned it by 1778.
Admiral Charles Powell Hamilton owns it from 1797 until his death in 1825. In 1825, his widow, Lucretia Hamilton, moves out of Fir Hill and transfers it to two of her three children, Charles and Charlotte.
From 1826 to 1838, Rev. Thomas Penny White rents Fir Hill.
John Rogers, surgeon, probably lives there in 1840 and 1841.
We have yet to find records that show who, if anyone, lives there from 1841 to 1850.
Fir Hill, west façade, original house. Photo courtesy of Paul Highnam.
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